With everything going on in the world, coupled with personal trials and challenges we all face daily it is hard to make sense of everyday life. How can we move forward in a peaceful state with chaos all around us? I have found the following 4 lessons for life to be extremely helpful.
Compliments of Byron Katie.
1. Don't dwell on the past. The mistakes you have made in life are wonderful. Someday similar circumstances may allow you to use the wisdom you have gained from past decisions or behavior. There is pain in the past. Why continue to endure this pain when life is happening all around you?
2. Don't dwell on the future. It pays to have a plan. You might even be foolish not to have insurance and a retirement program. But to worry about things that may never come to pass creates needless pain. There is pain in the future.
3. Dwell on the present. If you spend each day doing what you know is right, everything will be okay. Moreover, the doors of opportunity will present themselves, and you will be prepared to recognize and open them. This is not be to be confused with the frivolous proverb, "Live for today, tomorrow may never come." You have a job to do so get it done. Learn the practiced art of recognizing the essence of living by appreciating the human senses. Work becomes music.
4. There are really only 3 types of business.
Your business.
Other people's business.
God's business.
The wisdom of knowing the difference allows you to realize the reasons behind why you get involved with situations in daily life.
When practiced, these are truly life changing rules to live by. For the record, I am still working on all of the above and I am a "work in progress".