Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tips for Future Economic Survival

The Greatest Depression is now taking hold upon the entire world economy.

Global financial markets are in an unprecedented collapse. The results of the high expectations for a new year and a newly elected President to bring about an economic turnaround have come up short. A financial recovery in 2009 or 2010 will not occur.

Our current global financial markets have been created by a over abundant supply of fiat currency, irrational exuberance, greed, media and internet hyped speculation. The economy will not be restored by numerous trillion dollar plus stimulus packages or government bailouts.

While we are just days after the DOW suffering the worst February since The Great Depression in 1933, the Dow has since plunged below the psychologically-important 7000 mark on Monday to its worst closing level since April 1997. There is no bottom in sight at the present moment nor is confidence high.

As the economic crisis deepens, local, state and federal governments around the world will be forced to take extreme measures in an effort to stop a complete economic collapse and ensuing public panic. The increased severity and sudden quickening of the economic collapse requires prompt action and the necessity of this post.

Everyone should prepare for the possibility of bank failures and runs on banks, on both a local and national level combined with "bank holidays" reminiscent of the Great Depression. If at all possible, try to have a small amount of cash on hand in the event of an emergency.

As a future predictive forecaster, I am not a certified financial advisor nor am I legally designated to provide investment advice. You must do your own research and decide for yourself based on historical evidence and past events.

Historically Gold has always held value. In addition, every person on the planet needs to eat.

This future predictive forecast is that Agriculture and Gold will turn out to become one of the few investments that will continue to increase in value, and Gold will eventually reach $2,000oz and higher.